Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thing 3: RSS

I'm finally back! I couldn't get Google Reader to let me do what I wanted until I got some help from our resident Superhero Computer Expert!

When I can spend more time looking at sites that I'd like to be kept up-to-date on, I think that this technology could be very helpful, but I just loaded a few things just to do it. I hope that I can unsubscribe to a couple of them that I don't really think that I want every day.

I think that teachers and media folks could use this to their advantage for topics of interest to their classrooms and students. I would think that finding relavant news sources would keep them informed in a relatively quick manner.

I may look for some sources for some of my hobbies and interests on my own time that would be of interest to me. I'll keep an open mind on this and see where it goes!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Thing 2

These articles were quite interesting - however I couldn't get the video to play. I'll try again on another computer. I am hoping to make the time to complete these things, I'm sure I'd not find the time. I am participating because I am encouraging my staff to do so, and I guess I don't think I should be left behind in the dust. I hope to learn what some of these ACRONYMS stand for and what they do. I hope to be able to better serve the public.

I now work in the Circulation Department, so I don't use these tools as much as I did when I worked in Youth Services. When our library first got the internet, I must admit that I was skeptical, and got easily discouaged by slow equipment, only somewhat useful search tools, and too many rules on how to enter search terms. Of course, these things have improved immensely, even though, with constant budget cuts, our equipment is struggling to keep up with the times.

At home, I have trouble convincing my husband that I still need my cookbooks! He says we can find anything we want on the internet, and can enter our favorite recipes in his recipe program and get it whenever we want it. I keep telling him that browsing cookbooks is half the fun, and I love the pictures.

I believe I have moderate knowledge of Web 2.o tools, mostly learned when I was in Youth Services. We held classes to teach Electronic Resources and homework help, with very poor attendance, but I learned a great deal preparing for the classes. I took training when it was offered. I think several people in our library have a high level of knowledge and are willing to share with those of us who are learning.

I still believe strongly in the physical handling of a book, however! We recently remodeled our building, and closed all of our stacks to the public. We had patrons in serious "browsing withdrawal." "Do you mean I can't look at the books, or touch them?" They were mostly happy with the service we offered - finding their materials for them, but were so happy when we reopened and they could look, touch and read jacket descriptions!

Enough for now! On to thing 3.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Thing 1 (but not Thing 2 - yet)

Here I am - blogging. I never thought I'd see the day. We'll see where this leads. I have no clue!